Thursday, January 5, 2012

Surviving v.s. a Survivor .

People often times cannot tell the difference between being a victim and being a survivor. The line between them has a simple explanation but is hard to complete. Like overcoming an addiction the first step is admitting you have one and accepting the fact it has happened to you. You also must try and overcome it.

Everyone starts out a victim, from anything, before becoming a survivor. After a trauma you experience many things from guilt to sadness. You go through pain and tears, on what people call an emotional roller-coaster. The pain comes and goes, as does happiness and laughter and we all do our best to try and laugh and smile.

No matter if they want to admit it or not, we all try and mask the true pain behind us. When around friends we try and laugh, when with family we try and smile. But once we are alone we break completely. Crying and crying so the next day we can start all over again. I will say that no matter how much you "think" you can do everything alone you can't, take it from someone who has tried. Keeping things bottled up makes it entirely worse, My saving grace and strength? God. God keeps reminding me why I am fighting and why I am still here.

Who is your saving grace?

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