Friday, January 13, 2012

Preview to my book; "Life in a Mask" Chapter Two .

Christmas of 02'. I was five.

That Christmas was the incident that changed me and one of the most important relationships in my life. 

Christmas eve, like every kid, i'm awake my ears open waiting to hear [santa] come. Instead I heard yelling. Yelling from a voice that was familiar, that voice being my father. For many years I was a daddys girl. I did everything with him. There was never a moment when I wasn't right beside my father.

As the yelling grew louder and louder, the curious one I was, walked out into the living room to see my mother in tears and my dads stuff packed up. He came around the corner, screaming, I felt a hot tear roll down my face. My hero, the one person I looked up too, was about to leave without telling his kids goodbye. 

He knelt on one knee, looked me in my eyes and told me "I love you." Tears dwell. Now, we are both crying. I begged my father to take me with him, To not leave. That's when he told me I couldn't go, that he didn't want me too. 

I woke up Christmas morning, I remember recieving a doll from a family friend but that was it. My little sister had to wake up to no dad.

A few weeks later, he returned. I woke up and walked out into the living room to find my mom and dad on the couch. I ran to him, he sat me in his lap and pinky swore he would never leave out family again. That was it, my family was back together. In that time, my dad taught me to tie my shoes. A few days later, I woke up and he was gone again. That was the last time I saw my dad for a bit.

Now, we aren't close. We have had multiple fights. Tried counseling and everything. I will never be close to him again. The only reason I still talk to him today is because my little sister lives with him.

Family is important. When I see everyone saying how much they [hate] their parents because they gave them chores kills me because I grew up with no support from my father. My mom raised two kids for 9 years by herself. She always managed to feed us, put a roof over our heads, and clothe us. She is my strength, My inspiration, My love. Though what happened was upsetting, I am grateful because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be as close to my mother as I am now, and I wouldn't be who I am. I will always love my father, even if he doesn't feel the same.


  1. For this exact reason, I hope that Niho never remembers some of the more vicious fights I could not prevent when he was younger.

    Thanks for giving a different perspective... I'll do my best to make sure these words aren't repeated in 10 years.

  2. It's not entirely a bad thing. Children whom grow up around these types of environments learn just what NOT to do. Though arguing isn't recommended 24/7, some of the best relationships revolve around arguments. For a child to see their parents argue and fall apart is damaging, yes. But, when they see them fight and/or argue and work it out and become stronger is influential.

    Don't let him think fighting is entirely bad, but don't show him it's okay either. You're a great father, I doubt he would ever say these words.
