Thursday, January 12, 2012

Subject that pains all of us .

I'm going to blog about something that bothers almost everyone, something that terrifies people to their core, causing them to put up walls and shut down from the world


Yeah, I said it. That dreaded four letter word so powerful yet so overused in society today. The word and emotion that has gave all of us good memories and bad feelings. Its something we also MISINTERPRET.

Love is suppose to be known to send happiness and joy, smiles and laughter. But in what people call the "REAL WORLD" it is now known to cause sadness and depression, tears and heartbreak. This, is false.

It's not love that we are scared of, the loneliness, the fear of pain and tears consumes us. Now we believe love to cause "pain." Instead of trying to over analyze and predict the future, fall into the present. Make memories, if it ends bad, atleast you now know what NOT to look for.

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