Thursday, January 12, 2012

America , Consumed.

I saw something interesting today.

Society is so twisted and in time of addiction that today as I was driving, I stopped at a red light and I saw a woman running towards a car. Now, when you see a person running the streets with ragged clothing towards a car you think [oh they are just going for money] well 95% of the time that is true but in this society addiction has overwhelmed and we have absorbed it this woman in fact was not running to the car for money but for a cigarette and lighter.

Today as I was watching the news [exciting I know] they were talking about how pharmacies were doubling and some places,  tripling their security due to robberies, again not for money, but pain killers. What is it with people that makes them desperate enough to rob people, especially for drugs?

Addiction has overcome America, not only addiction of drugs but addiction of food, alcohol, and CRIME. Yes, crime. The crime rates in america are racketing through the sky seems every news report SOMETHING happened SOMEWHERE to SOMEONE and is now in jail. What has happened to America? Why so we thrive off the drama and the adrenaline of trouble? Guess some of us will never know.

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